One of the most important areas of the work of PC «Ulyanovski NIAT» is the development and introduction of technological and organizational and technical processes of deep complex utilization (processing) of aviation, military equipment, avionics civil, radio, electric measuring instruments and accessories, computers, communications equipment, radar, computers, fax, copier, and other office equipment to extract (extraction) PRECIOUS METALS.
Recycling (processing) is carried out mainly on the principle of sustainability.
In 1991 - 1993 by members of PC «Ulyanovski NIAT» made the first experimental utilization of airplanes TU-16, TU-95, IL-62, Tu-134.
In 1992-1993 PC «Ulyanovski NIAT» by the order of Air Forces developed processes for utilization of aircraft, which are currently used in enterprises of military industry.
In the period since 1992 till present time PC «Ulyanovski NIAT» disposed more than 700 airplanes of various types (TU-16, TU-95, IL-62, TU-134, MIG-23, SU-17, MiG-27, L-39 L-29 MIG-21, AN-12 AN-24, MI-8, AN-26), air missiles (Kh-23, F-24, F-60) and other VT.
Since 1998 by the order of Air Forces, Rosaviakosmos PC «Ulyanovski NIAT» started recycling units, equipment, equipment of aircraft, as well as civilian dual-use products and office equipment (computers, PPEVM, phones, televisions, etc.) to extract precious metals (PM).
The company has created an electronic network program «Sirius 2005» which allows:
Available «Supplemental electronic database», according to the expert assessment of the content of PM, contains about 200000 names.
There is an accredited «Chemical Laboratory» allowing to perform peer review the content of precious metals in various types of raw materials, certified raw materials containing precious metals.
The company has worked out processes for processing of different types of raw materials containing precious metals.
The existing production base, staff of highly qualified specialists - engineering and technical workers - allows deep processing of raw materials of various types and in a short time.
Utilization of aircraft, civilian (dual destination) avionics equipment.